Products of RedGPS

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Sales force


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Success story: Optimization and Maintenance Control


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GPS tracking focused on security: 2023 guide


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Use case: Optimizing operations in mining


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Use Case: Cold chain traceability with Bluetooth


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Manage all aspects of your business


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Remote Diagnosis

Remote diagnosis with data and events of the CAN Bus and subaccessories OBD II systems, interpreted and plotted on the platform with sensor reports, alerts, error codes and more with the security of the most precise and advanced telemetry. 


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CAN Bus and OBD Data on the Platform 

This solution renders support to receive information and events, on the platform, from the CAN Bus (Controller Area Network) and OBD II (On Board Diagnostics) systems from any type of vehicle; all of which puts a powerful diagnostic and monitoring tool at the disposal of your customers. 

CAN bus

Receives, plots, and issues reports on the platform from the CAN data 


Compatible with subaccessories of the OBDII type


Configures parameters, thresholds, alerts, commands and more.

It is a totally configurable tool compatible with all the CAN BUS systems regardless of the devices and their manufacturers.

Total Monitoring of the Vehicle 

CAN Bus is a system which enables the intercommunication of all the electric and electronic components of a vehicle such as sensors and subaccessories. On the platform you can receive and view the following information: the fuel level, the state of the ignition and the brakes, the opening of the doors, the level of the accelerator, engine failures, etc. This communication interface between the platform and the CAN Bus systems allows you as well as your customers to monitor those aspects that interest them regarding a fleet or a vehicle. 

In addition, with the integration of OnDriving and together with fuel control, the parameters OBD/CAN Bus are added to the ranking of driving habits and quality as well as fuel consumption when idling for example.

Remote Diagnostics 

This solution also provides a connection able to receive the data and events coming from the OBD II accessories, in line with the performing features of each device and manufacturer; for example: ignitions, RPM, level of fuel in the tank, etc.  

Thus, with OnTracking your company and your customers have remote diagnostic capabilities in real time.


Runs with OBD Data 

Whenever you or your customers require it, the platform traces the run of the day, or any interval determined, and shows both the information as well as the values of the vehicle's sensors during this run or period of time. 

The events that the device sends will show the date, hour, and location on the map. This way they can immediately and graphically consult any event that might require their attention. 


Auto connected 

The platform also receives the diagnostic codes of the vehicle in much the same way that a specialized mechanic would receive them from a scanner. Thus, your customers will be aware of any problem that requires their attention. 

This feature elevates your business towards IoT beyond the connectivity of the vehicles since it integrates software and sensors with the purpose of connecting and interchanging data from the vehicle with other devices and systems such as our platform.


Subaccessory Behavior Graphs 

When we speak of telemetry and diagnostics on board, having the information processed and represented is fundamental. OnTracking plots the values and parameters of each subaccessory according to its type over the course of the runs carried out by the vehicles, whether in real time or in previous periods, and analyzes how they behaved. 

A fundamental advantage is that the information shown on the platform has NO margin of error since it comes directly from the central computer of the vehicle; for example the fuel flow meter (or the quantity of fuel consumed by a vehicle).



Post Event Alerts 

This solution allows to create alerts, in order to notify any event from CAN Bus or OBD II sent by the devices, with input templates which facilitate its programming. 

When your technicians connect an OBD, they define and configure how the data and values that the device sends will be interpreted ; for example, from the odometer, the position of the accelerator, RPM, fuel, ignition, velocity,etc. in such a way that the platform can interpret them and even show them graphically with an icon should your company deem it necessary.


Sensor Reports and OBD Events 

The OBD information report enables your customers to select the accessories from which they wish to consult all the events occurring within a specific period of time; for example, the oxygen sensor, the error codes, the temperature of the antifreeze, the mass air flow sensor (MAF), among others. 
They can also make a report from the sensors covering data such as the temperature of the air induction system, the minutes the engine is running, the distance of the run, the ambient temperature etc.

Together we research and document the necessities of your project 

If you have a project that involves CAN Bus or OBD, we recommend that you consult Support in order to validate the integration of the devices and verify the events received by the platform. Remember that the data collected by the CAN Bus systems and the OBD equipment differ from one vehicle to another according to the brand and model of the vehicle as well as the device. 

Put a solution which takes advantage of, and unleashes all the possibilities of the CAN Bus and OBD systems perfectly integrated into the most complete ecosystem in the world, at the disposal of your customers.