Products of RedGPS
White label GPS tracking platform

Offer asset tracking and fleet management

Dashcam comparison for video telematics


Three out of ten engines run on stolen fuel. How did Neotecnik decide to stop this problem?

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White label App Tracker

Create flexible solutions for field personnel

Sales force


Track and digitize sales force operations

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Advanced fleet management

Success story: Optimization and Maintenance Control


Program and manage all fleet maintenance and generate budgets without the need for additional personnel

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Security for all types of assets

GPS tracking focused on security: 2023 guide


Discover the top 20 solutions and tools for tracking, security, and end customers

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Analysis and increase of productivity

Use case: Optimizing operations in mining


Discover how a virtual copilot in MDT terminals meets safety regulations and optimizes operations

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Asset performance optimization

Use Case: Cold chain traceability with Bluetooth


How efficient cold chain control drastically reduces losses and damages to goods?

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The full potential of RedGPS in a smartphone

Benefits of a Tracking App for your clients


One of the most critical activities in logistics management is asset control...

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Operational business task management

Manage all aspects of your business


Partners is the platform for RedGPS clients and distributors from which they can manage all...

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Hardware Integrations

Success story: Detect and prevent fuel theft


Three out of ten engines run on stolen fuel. How did Neotecnik decide to stop this problem?

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More than 15 years dedicated to GPS tracking and security


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Why do GPS tracking companies worldwide choose RedGPS?

Why do GPS tracking companies migrate platforms?


With the right tools and guidance, migration represents an improvement in the service you provide to your customers and strengthens your position against the competition

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A customizable app with that converts Smartphones into trackable assets perfectly integrated into the entire IoT ecosystem of RedGPS. 
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The best App Tracker for Mobile Devices

AppTracker 4.4.4 turns smartphones into GPS devices capable of being tracked on the platform, with functions for security, asset routing and staff management, with a fully customizable menu and buttons according to the needs of each client or each industry, available on Android and iOS.

With a user-friendly interface designed to facilitate the use of the application, it is part of our white label ecosystem of apps and solutions perfect for working in conjunction with all the RedGPS modules and tools. 



perfil usuarioa

Perfiles de usuario 

marca blanca

Marca blanca  /  Reemplaza hardware

Customization for each industry and each client

The AppTracker can be fully customized according to the needs of each industry. Action buttons can be added to the menu, and you can assign any function that your customers need, such as forms, reports, sending commands, etc., and also choose the  icon, color, description, and even define validations by location, circular and polygonal geofence, by route, time or days.

These validations allow a module or function to only be available in a specific place at a specific time, which gives your client the possibility to control their procedures and their staff.



Automatic Registration with QR Codes 

Your customers only have to install the application in their mobile devices, scan a QR code, and they're done! Each Smartphone will be registered and within only a few seconds will be automatically reporting on the platform as if it were a conventional GPS.... We assure you! Registering has never been so easy! 

This feature makes AppTracker a scalable solution able to make your company grow exponentially, and also makes the user experience the best. 


Control of security rounds

The AppTracker works in conjunction with OnPatrol, our solution that allows public or private security forces to precisely program and control patrols, setting alerts and showing the real progress of the rounds that each guard has scheduled, view checkpoints of each round with its status by colors and percentage of progress, while the operators can generate reports on the platform. 


Perfect for asset routing

AppTracker integrates OnRouting, our asset routing solution. Drivers can see the routes they have scheduled with their status by color and a bar with a percentage of progress.

They can also manage routes with QR codes placed in checkpoints, and add additional validation by GPS when a point has been made. 



People tracking

The AppTracker is a perfect tool for all situations where it is indispensable to record the traceability of a person or a work team for reasons of security or logistics such as guards, deliverymen, drivers, pollsters, sales people, or just people who are vulnerable or in situations of risk.

It has even been used by our partners in Coronavirus containment strategies by providing the entire traceabilityof a person in the case of contagion.


Dynamic forms

A great functionality is the incorporation of forms, a tool that opens up a world of possibilities from security to aspects such as productivity, well-being and inspection. Your clients can generate forms by simply dragging and dropping the elements that they will include such as title, text box, rating, add buttons, upload media files and even place a signature field, and more. Forms are an excellent way to get immediate feedback and reports from guards, field staff, drivers and any collaborator who may have access to a smartphone. 

Forms can be assigned to a custom button in the AppTracker menu, sent to the app manually or automatically from some event, or scheduled for a specific time. The app indicates with colors if the answers of each form were sent or not and registers the answers with the place where they were answered. 


Streaming and sending files

Audio and Video Streaming can also be initiated from AppTracker as if it was a BodyCam or a mobile DVR and send  it to the platform. The streaming can be initiated by the user,  triggered by any event or alert, or on demand from the platform.

The streaming videos are backed up in the cloud to be consulted when necessary. It also allows you to send audio notes and images.


Control de personal

The application includes modules for personnel management and attendance control, a highly demanded feature now that remote work has become the norm. From the app, the staff can check in and check out when they start or finish their work, and when they take their break hours.

These features also support the same validations like action buttons and the alert system in OnTracking, so your customers can know if a worker checked out in a place that isn't registered as their place of work.

Profile creation

AppTracker works with shared IMEIs, which allows you to create profiles so that different people use the same smartphone. All you have to do is select the profile and the application loads the customization and modules that it needs, with the corresponding configurations and validations. In this way, your customers will save costs and time, sharing the same device with a single app installed..



Offer Your Customers an Application Package 

The AppTracker 4.4.4 natively integrates services which turns it into a fundamental tool for the growth of security and tracking companies, and boost its potential thanks to the integration with OnTracking as well as with the entire ecosystem of fleet management solutions and the Internet of Things of RedGPS.

Together with the AppMobile you will offer your customers a complete package of applications with your own logotype to carry out intelligent device tracking and administrate the platform from any place with the liberty of designing all the custom made developments necessary for each project.



We invite you to become more familiar with AppTracker 4.4.4 by downloading it from our Google Play Store and AppStore. Should you want to know which are the other solutions that complement this App, we recommend that you visit our portfolio of solutions here.