Products of RedGPS
White label GPS tracking platform

Offer asset tracking and fleet management

Dashcam comparison for video telematics


Three out of ten engines run on stolen fuel. How did Neotecnik decide to stop this problem?

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White label App Tracker

Create flexible solutions for field personnel

Sales force


Track and digitize sales force operations

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Advanced fleet management

Success story: Optimization and Maintenance Control


Program and manage all fleet maintenance and generate budgets without the need for additional personnel

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Security for all types of assets

GPS tracking focused on security: 2023 guide


Discover the top 20 solutions and tools for tracking, security, and end customers

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Analysis and increase of productivity

Use case: Optimizing operations in mining


Discover how a virtual copilot in MDT terminals meets safety regulations and optimizes operations

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Asset performance optimization

Use Case: Cold chain traceability with Bluetooth


How efficient cold chain control drastically reduces losses and damages to goods?

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The full potential of RedGPS in a smartphone

Benefits of a Tracking App for your clients


One of the most critical activities in logistics management is asset control...

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Operational business task management

Manage all aspects of your business


Partners is the platform for RedGPS clients and distributors from which they can manage all...

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Hardware Integrations

Success story: Detect and prevent fuel theft


Three out of ten engines run on stolen fuel. How did Neotecnik decide to stop this problem?

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More than 15 years dedicated to GPS tracking and security


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Why do GPS tracking companies worldwide choose RedGPS?

Why do GPS tracking companies migrate platforms?


With the right tools and guidance, migration represents an improvement in the service you provide to your customers and strengthens your position against the competition

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Driver Behavior


Measuring and grading driving habits is possible today!

OnDriving of RedGPS enables your customers to verify the behavior of the driver and obtain accurate readings for each run carried out by each asset, and by each group of assets. With an intuitive platform your customers will be able to have easily interpretable information on the spot. .



On a general panel your customers will be able to see asset or fleet averages divided by categories and colors in order to easily identify which category had a low performance. By means of date and fleet filters historic grading can be established. 


Gradable Caregories 

Each category to be graded has a customization section so that the grade of the driver can be customized by your customers where they can give a grade and also a level of importance suitable for each configuration. 
The Categories are:


This refers to the maximum speed limit that the asset can reach before his grade begins to fall.



Any event received on the platform from GPS devices or sensors could be a factor contemplated in grading the drivers. Example: Sudden acceleration, or braking, disconnecting the battery etc.



Any alert generated on the platform could also be a factor to be taken into consideration for grading. Example: time of arrival to a place, outside the geofence, detained asset, etc.


Idling Time

The time the drivers spend with the engine running and velocity "zero" (IDLING) will also impact on their grade. As is the case in all the categories, the time can be customized in line with the necessities of the customer.


Ecological Driving 

This category allows to specify the maximum speed a vehicle can reach, but limited to a specified percentage of that route; i.e. the vehicle must maintain a speed slower than 60 kilometers per hour, but can travel at that speed for 10% of the run. Points can be subtracted from the driver's score if he fails to comply.


Constant Velocity

This point allows us to establish a range of speeds within which the asset must drive during most of the trip. Should the driver not comply, his percentage is lowered and as a result points are deducted.


Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) 

This section allows us to see the score depending on the range limit of the RPM. This will reveal whether the driver exceeded a parameter and which was the limit reached.


Gear Shifting 

Allows you to know in which gear the driver was driving and whether or not he shifted gears according to the RPM or engine load previosly configured. It will establish a percentage within which the driver must remain in order to obtain a favorable rating.


Fuel Consumption

Allows to report on the consumption per trip in order to determine ////


Notifications for the Drivers 

Your customer can configure this category so that the driver receives the rating of the trip on his App in real time, as well as specific information concerning his run such as: 
General Grade
Distance Travelled
Date and hour of the initiation / end
Duration of the trip
Details of the Grade by categories
All of this data from the mobile App.


Would you like to implement OnDriving in your GPS Tracking Company?
It would be a pleasure to assist you. All you have to do is contact us so that we can offer you a free demo.